
How Long To Lose 12 Pounds

It's All About Planning

It's All About Planning


When you have a lot of weight to lose, it means playing the long game. And during that time, yous'll face challenges. Weight loss experts and people who have done it offering y'all their ideas to cut calories, fight the "hangry," make exercise easier, stay on track, and more. Some are tried-and-true, and others may surprise you.

Go Big for Breakfast

Go Big for Breakfast


People who eat more in the morning and less at dark tend to lose more weight. Some studies suggest that starting your day with a high-protein meal -- especially warm, solid nutrient -- helps you experience fuller and less hungry later. Shoot for 350-400 calories with at least 25 grams of poly peptide, says Domenica Rubino, Doctor, director of the Washington Center for Weight Direction & Research.

Keep a Photo Diary

Keep a Photo Diary


"Nosotros have horrible memories in terms of what we eat," says Susan Albers, PsyD, author of EatQ. Save your food photos in a daily file. Before your next snack or meal, review them. They'll remind y'all what you've already eaten. And that may help you lot decide to downsize or choose something else.

Use an App

Apply an App


"I just do not run into food and portions the manner normally sparse people come across them," blogger Lisa Durant says. She used My Fitness Pal to focus on her relationship with food. She tracked what she ate and how much. That helped her exist honest with herself. She besides set up weight loss and fettle goals to rails her progress. Without an app, "I would admittedly gain some weight back."

Try a Meal Replacement Plan

Effort a Meal Replacement Plan


Under a licensed professional's intendance, you'll consume i regular meal per day and swap the others for special shakes, soups, or bars. "If you lot tin stick to it, y'all'll meet big results in 6 months to a year," says Ken Fujioka, MD, an obesity specialist at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego.

Set Up Your Food Storage

Set Upwards Your Food Storage


Out of sight, out of mind -- and mouth. After you purge your home of those treats y'all tin can't resist, Albers recommends taking the idea a step further: Assign shelves in the pantry and the fridge so your healthy food becomes easy to see and reach. Put fresh veggies and fruit at eye level instead of inside a drawer, and y'all're more than likely to grab them when yous open up the door.

Shop Smart

Shop Smart


Don't exit your meals to take a chance. Have ingredients on hand so y'all aren't tempted to resort to have-out. Think about menus that work for the household: Mayhap your veggie stir-fry tin can be their side dish, too. Make a grocery listing together, even if yous're cooking separately.

Stay out of bulk warehouse stores, Albers says. The oversized items can invite overeating.

Find a Fan Club

Find a Fan Club


Support from a grouping tin assist you lot lose more than weight than doing it alone. Y'all'll gain perspective, encouragement, tips -- even a piffling competition, if that'due south the kind of thing that gets you lot motivated. Durant, who lost 115 pounds, started with Weight Watchers. "My leader was fantastic," she says. Besides in-person meetings, check out online forums and social media. Back up from family unit and friends helps keep the weight off, too.

Outsmart Your Inner Critic

Outsmart Your Inner Critic


When (let'south be honest, in that location's no "if" about information technology) you get off-rails, it tin can be hard to forgive yourself. So pretend it'south a friend who slipped up and is upset, Rubino says. Write a note to them. And then read it out loud -- to yourself. It will likely be kinder and more encouraging than anything the little vocalisation in your head would say.

Try Physical Therapy

Try Physical Therapy


You'll larn to reconnect with your trunk, Rubino says. A concrete therapist is trained to work with people who take medical problems and trouble moving in their daily lives. Think of them as someone who'll get you lot ready for the personal trainer. Your therapist volition design a programme, tailored for you, to improve your residuum, forcefulness, and range of motion. PT can often help ease joint pain you may have, too.

Work Your Muscles

Work Your Muscles


You may not realize information technology, but you've built them upward only by moving your actress weight around. And as you lot lose trunk fat, you want to continue those muscles. They burn fat and calories! But if y'all don't use them, y'all'll lose them. Mira Rasmussen, an practice physiologist, likes wall squats, with the help of an exercise ball for body alignment. These work almost of the major muscles below your waist at once.

Get in the Pool

Make it the Pool


Pond is a whole-torso, not-impact workout with a fantastic calorie burn, Rasmussen says. The h2o helps concur you up, then in that location'due south no pressure on your joints. Plus, it saves time by combining cardio and musculus-edifice in a unmarried action.

If exercise is difficult for you, endeavour doing it in chest-deep water, which can reduce swelling, enhance circulation, and aid relieve hurting from inflammation.

Look Past the Pounds

Look Past the Pounds


Regardless of what the scale says, your trunk may still be changing in a skilful mode. Rubino says, "Remind yourself what you've gained by losing the weight." Are your clothes getting looser? Are you losing inches? Is your blood pressure better? If you lot have diabetes, take your saccharide levels improved? Can you handle more do? Celebrate those non-calibration victories, too!

Get Checked for Sleep Apnea

Get Checked for Sleep Apnea


You may non be resting as well every bit yous think you are. This condition, which interrupts your breathing while yous sleep, often affects people who are overweight. It can disrupt your slumber and you won't know information technology. Studies prove that a lack of sleep alters hormones that control hunger. Rubino suggests being tested and treated.

Ask About Weight Loss Medicine

Ask Well-nigh Weight Loss Medicine


Once you've lost 5% to ten% of your weight, your body makes adjustments to fight losing any more, Fujioka says. Hormones that bespeak you've had enough to eat don't get sent to your brain, and you're still hungry. "Nosotros use medications to requite that feeling of being total," he says. When that point comes, talk to your dr. near whether a prescription drug or over-the-counter product could help you keep going.

Play Down Plateaus

Play Down Plateaus


It happens: The scale won't move, no affair what you do. Endeavor not to think "failure." Instead, give yourself credit for non calculation pounds. That alone is a triumph, Rubino says.

If you oasis't seen a change for 3 months, and then it's time to revisit your diet and exercise program.

Consider Weight Loss Surgery

Consider Weight Loss Surgery


"Having weight loss surgery gave me back my health and was the helping hand I needed to make the permanent life changes," says Michelle Vicari of the Obesity Action Coalition. After she spent nigh of her teens and adult life "trying the latest, greatest diet existence talked most," she had gastric featherbed surgery. She lost 158 pounds -- and got rid of a host of health problems, including high blood pressure and reflux.

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Domenica Rubino, Doctor, director, Washington Center for Weight Direction and Research, Arlington, VA.

Susan Albers, PsyD, author, EatQ.

Lisa Durant, blogger, Can Anybody Hear Me?

Ken Fujioka, MD, director, Nutrition and Metabolic Inquiry Heart, Scripps Clinic; "Clinical Approaches to address the Obesity epidemic," California State Senate Health Committee.

American Psychological Association: "How social support tin aid you lose weight."

Kubota, A. Japanese Periodical of Public Wellness, May 2008.

Mira Rasmussen, ACSM EP-C, member, Didactics Committee, Obesity Activity Coalition.

UpToDate: "Obesity in adults: Drug therapy."

Michelle Vicari, secretary, board of directors, Obesity Action Coalition; chair, Your Weight Matters National Convention.


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