
How Long Is Stomach Flu Contagious For

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Flu season can hitting hard, causing you to have fourth dimension off from work or school while you lot spend time recovering from your symptoms. Fifty-fifty if yous get the latest vaccine, you can notwithstanding come down with the influenza particularly during autumn and winter. That's why it'south important to learn the symptoms; when you recognize them early, yous can start treatment and ease some of the discomfort.

Influenza, otherwise known equally the "flu," is a respiratory illness. It's caused by a virus, and it's easily transmitted from person to person. It can cause a range of symptoms that range from balmy to severe.

Because the influenza is a virus, it mutates, meaning that it changes its construction over time. That's why people need to get influenza shots every twelvemonth. The previous year's shots were made to combat the prominent strains that were circulating that yr, but by the fourth dimension the next flue flavor rolls around, different versions of the virus brainstorm making people sick, so the vaccines are no longer effective. They're just unlike enough to infect y'all, but not enough to cause distinctly different symptoms.

Because the flue is a respiratory illness, information technology primarily affects your nose, throat and sometimes lungs. If you come down with the flu, you're probable to experience symptoms in these areas of your torso — and others. About 8% of the U.S. population comes down with the flu every year.

How Exercise Y'all Catch the Flu?

The flu virus spreads while people are in the contagious stage of the affliction. When you talk, cough or sneeze, tiny, virus-infected droplets spray out of your mouth and sometimes your nose. When this happens, the droplets tin land in other people's mouths or noses, infecting them in the process. This isn't the just fashion the flu spreads, still.

The aerosol can land on surfaces and remain active in that location for several hours. They tend to survive longest on difficult surfaces like stainless steel and plastic, and they don't remain agile every bit long outside your body when they land on fabric or other soft surfaces. If you bear on an infected surface and then touch your nose, optics or mouth, you lot might infect yourself with flu germs. The near common way to contract the flu, though, is by inhaling droplets from an infected person's cough or sneeze.

The contagious stage of the flu can last quite a while, and it'due south possible that, in the primeval stage, you lot've been infected but aren't showing whatever symptoms yet. During this time, which lasts near a day or two, y'all can still pass the virus to other people. You can besides transmit the flu to other people for around seven days or and then subsequently you showtime experiencing symptoms.

Flu Virus Symptoms

Although flu viruses are somewhat dissimilar from each other from year to yr, the symptoms they cause generally remain the same. Although some of the symptoms resemble those of the common common cold, the flu comes on more suddenly instead of worsening progressively over the course of a few days.

It's common for the influenza to requite y'all some respiratory symptoms. You might have a running or congested olfactory organ and a sore throat. A persistent, dry cough is also an early symptom yous may experience before some of the more uncomfortable furnishings of the flu develop. This virus also causes pain. The muscles all over your body may ache, causing you lot to feel weak and making information technology hard to move. You might besides experience a headache because your nasal and sinus cavities get inflamed.

Another authentication of the flu is a fever, meaning your body temperature is over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. This is another symptom that's common in the earlier stages of the flu, and it'south often accompanied by chills that cause you lot to shiver. Y'all may as well experience extremely tired, and this fatigue can come up on rapidly. While you're this wearied, you lot may find information technology hard to appoint in your normal daily activities.

When you take the flu, you might feel some or all of these symptoms. Some may be more than severe than others. Although some people believe that the flu always causes a fever, this isn't necessarily the case. You can still have the flu and non have a fever, headache or other common symptom.

Emergency Symptoms

With remainder and proper intendance, you lot tin can usually care for the flu on your own at home. But it'south essential to remember that not everyone responds to the virus the same mode. Sometimes, the flu is more severe and can cause symptoms that crave emergency medical care.

If yous're experiencing chest pain and tightness, issues animate or a blue tint to your skin and lips, go medical care right abroad. Your torso may non exist getting enough oxygen, and it's important that you're under a medico's care to treat these symptoms.

A fever that doesn't go abroad subsequently a few days, goes abroad and comes dorsum or keeps climbing higher as well requires emergency care. Yous may too feel empty-headed or confused; even if your fever isn't worsening, you lot should still take a physician check monitor these symptoms.

Your influenza symptoms should begin to ease and disappear within a week or two. If they're not getting worse but they as well don't seem to exist getting improve, think your principal intendance physician to learn your adjacent steps.

Treatment Options for the Influenza

Your dr. may perform a examination to diagnose you with the flu, but it's more common that they'll ask about your signs and symptoms to effigy out what's going on. Subsequently diagnosing you with the flu, your doctor might prescribe an antiviral medicine that can lessen your symptoms if you have information technology shortly enough after those symptoms begin. This medicine can shorten the fourth dimension you're sick and help prevent complications. Commonly, doctors salvage this type of treatment for people who take astringent cases of the illness or those who are at a higher risk of developing complications.

Getting enough of residual and drinking fluids while staying domicile are some of the most effective treatments for helping your body fight the infection. Opt for clear liquids like water, juice and broth to keep yourself from dehydrating. Sleeping every bit much as you lot need to tin help your allowed system fight off the virus. Over-the-counter pain relievers, coughing suppressants and decongestants can help you manage your symptoms and go along yourself more than comfy.

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